Wednesday, October 14, 2009

To OJ This one is for you!

OJ sent me a message on Facebook about my grammar issues, and I admit it, I am horrible at grammar and this offends the Juice evidently.
So, this time I will humbly say to him
I cant spell very well spell check is my friend and I have the grammar of a Peel School Board Graduate.
I am huked on funics!

OK so I cant spell sue me, at least I dont smell bad

I honestly think OJ is just upset because I blogged before him , and this but a hornet in his wig!
and the fact that I am wittier and shorter and so yeah there!
I mean OJ's Blogs are awesome dont get me wrong but mine are vastly more superior.

OH Wait I shouldnt insult him, he does know how to cook !
I still need help on my Chicken Parm and Fettuccine from scratch...

so OJ I am sorry, I am below you in intelligence and wit, your grammar is mesmerizing and I apologize!
OJ Rules.



  1. You can use a few comma's in there you know....

  2. And by the same token you can learn a few grammatical and punctuation rules yourself Juice-man. And learn to spell dammit!

  3. Or at least use spell check.....
