Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Its a Cold grab some Halls and deal with it!

OK People, I dunno how many of you know I am ill. I have a stupid kidney infection it's as much fun as eating a ox's eye with maggots on it!
so It all started a few weeks ago, I got ill. Being a girl I know a Bladder infection . I have had 1 or 2 in my 32 years
OK so I knew " Uh oh time to see Doc"
I first try a walk in apparently it was too full too see me a 4 hour wait seemed a bit excessive...
apparently everyone has H1N1. or there are a LOT of pathetic people who go to the doctors office with coughs due to colds.
so this is a list for those idiots.
Because of you I now how a all-out Kidney infection from a simple bladder infection.. to you I want to share this list
Yes I blame all you dumb fucks that made me walk away from a walk in clinic because there was a5 hour wait at 11 am .. kinda cant wait that long when I have to grab my kidlets from school @ 3.
because of you I had to wait 2 days to see my doc who gives me Cipro a drug to fight the infection. didnt work cause I waited too long

* Ahem read list *

so On Tuesday I went back and now I have a all out kidney infection and on new stronger drugs that are not working and now most likely I have to go to the ER in the next 24 hours and be put on IV to clear this shit up...
and yes its all you morons who go to the clinics with a common cold that put me here.
Your a waste of a doctors time and resource....
and my list is for you because I am awake at 701 am barely able to move knowing meds are not able to help me ...
I do hope your throats feel better and that cough you had clears up by the way...
and now to the list for the idiots who overcrowd walk-in clinics so people who NEED to asee a doc have to wait 4 hours and because they waited to long may need to be hospitalized this list is for you

Reasons to go to a doctors office

  • gapping wounds, this needs further discussion I mean wounds that a bandaid wont effectively assist in the healing of! Wounds that separates the skin so much you need thread to re-attach and OK surgical attachment is also acceptable reasons to go to a doctor.. but if its that bad go to the damn ER

  • broken limbs, yeah you know a fall, bang, what have you that causes bones to go CRUNCH your allowed to go to the doctor or ER. Kinda important to go, bones dont heal right on their own I can always show you my ring finger on my right hand iof you want to see how they heal without a doctors help

  • severe pain, and no a sinus headache isnt real pain, infact most headaches are not, neither is menstrual cramps or indigestion. I mean you suddenly cant walk, or function.

  • high grade fevers, OK People this I have to be very clear of because the fact that most dont get this one a fever is your bodies way to FIGHT infection. a fever is OFTEN a good thing. Our body will heat up like a furnace to kill germs. Yes, I know they are not cozy, but deal with that. its kinda like a oven on self clean , its cleaning you out let it work. only take fever reducers if you can afford the fever at that point. dont see a doctor for it unless its over 103 or been more then a week
    here is the offical fever list I go by hyperperexia is a medical severity it means the body will start to kill its self and you need to see a doctor asap. no clinic for you go to a ER.

    Temperature in mouth
    (oral temp.)



    low grade

    37.2-38.2 99-100.8


    38.2-39.2 100.8-102.6


    39.2-40.3 102.6-104.6


    >40.3 >104.6

  • chest pains, duh, kinda important go to the ER forget the doc go to the ER you dumb ass

  • difficulty breathing see chest pains this is not one that can fixed later

    • oh and absence of life signs too, OK maybe not to the doctor perhaps call 911 they can call a coroner

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget Rectally Lodged Gerbils... Unless they're going to go on some magical journey ala Mr. Slave's little buddy (or Paris Hilton later on), then they need to be yanked by the Dr... ask Richard Gere
