Friday, October 2, 2009

If it has flashy lights and sirens I dont give a fuck if the light is green, pull over and wait you dumb fuck!

AS a Parent I hope I never have to call 911 again. I had to once I wish and pray I never have to again.
and this is why, you only call 911 in a emergency right? when you need medical or police help ASAP...
your house is on fire etc...
you dont call them because you want too...
you call them because you NEED too.
Usually people are facing death when they dial those 3 digits.
now can I ask a question?

WHY the hell is it so hard to understand that when you see a Fire truck, ambulance or cop with their lights flashing you dont move out of their way?
Why do you think that you can still go on a green when a Cop is sitting there flashing his lights sirens going?
Why is it when I hear or see a emergency vechicle on my street people dont move?

my guess is taht they are late or too important to move. that what they have to do is more important then that father who just had a seriopus heart attack, who you have held the paramedic's up is now that 12 seconds closer to dying.
You have allowed that cop in pursuit of that guy who just stole your neighbours car or you just stopped a fireman from putting out a fire ....

but your right that appointment you have at walmart is vastly more important!

Today my Dad treated us to swiss chalet and I watched a Cruiser sit in the intesection while 3 thats right THREE cars went through....
that was about 14 seconds long.
in 14 seconds someone could have pulled a trigger, stabbed someone or broke into a house and hurt a person....

so to those three cars today who did this at 5:07 pm tonight I say FUCK YOU to you, and I really hope you got to where you want to go, because it was too important to keep that cop from being where he needed to be.

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